SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARDPresented by the Register of Professional Archaeologists in recognition of a profound and meaningful contribution to the promotion of professionalism in archaeology. This award may be given to one or more individuals, one or more organizations, or a combination of individuals or organizations. Initial award presented in 2005.
CHARLES R. MCGIMSEY III—HESTER A. DAVIS DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD (MCGIMSEY-DAVIS DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD)Presented in recognition of the distinguished service of a Registered Professional Archaeologist to achieving the mission of the Register of Professional Archaeologists as evidenced by a single action or through a lifetime of elevated service. Initial award presented in 2005.
PRESIDENTIAL RECOGNITION AWARDGranted at-will by the incumbent president for various reasons relating to service to the organization or the professional and discipline of Archaeology. Initial award presented in 2004.
JOHN F. SEIBERLING AWARDSOPA established the John F. Seiberling Award in 1986 in the name of Ohio Congressman Seiberling, for his many legislative efforts in support of historic preservation. Seiberling himself received the first award. The award was intended to recognize significant and sustained efforts in the conservation of archeological resources by an individual or group. Initial award presented in 1986.
SOPA’S DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARDSOPA’s Distinguished Service Award was established in 1989 and first bestowed in 1990. It was initially meant to honor long-term service to SOPA, but was later expanded to encompass service to the profession as a whole.
SOPA’S SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARDSOPA’s Special Achievement Award was also established in 1989 and first given out in 1990. The intent was to recognize good works in teaching, research, preservation, public service, etc. There could be one or more granted in a particular year, and in some cases the citation was for multiple individuals working together (like 1993’s ARPA law enforcement training instructors).
SOPA began granting Emeritus Status and Life Membership in 1990 and thereafter bestowed it occasionally by board vote upon recommendation of the Awards Committee. [As these honorees are to be maintained in the board book or directory, they are marked here with asterisk indicating “deceased” as appropriate]
SOPA PRESIDENTIAL RECOGNITION AWARDThe SOPA Presidential Recognition Award was granted at-will by the incumbent president for various reasons related to distinguished service in the profession and discipline of Archaeology.