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FOUNDING Organizations and Partners

Unlike its founding organizations, the Register of Professional Archaeologists is not just a membership society. It focuses on the promotion and maintenance of professional standards in archaeology and the registration of qualified archaeologists. Our founding organizations endorse the mission of the Register of Professional Archaeologists, encourage their qualified members to register, and provide annual financial support.

Please take a moment to read more about our founders below. We welcome you to visit each of their websites.


The Archaeology Division of the American Anthropological Association was founded in 1983 to advance the study of archaeology as an aspect of anthropology, to provide a forum for members to discuss issues central to the development of archaeology, and to foster the publication and communication of the results of archaeological research and interpretations to anthropologists, to other scholars, and to the general public. Members of the Archaeology Division receive the AAA flagship journal, the American Anthropologist, and publications in the Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association series.


The Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) has been dedicated to the encouragement and support of archaeological research and publication and to the protection of the world’s cultural heritage for more than a century. A non-profit cultural and educational organization chartered by the U.S. Congress, it is the oldest and largest archaeological organization in North America, with more than 11,000 members around the world.

The Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) promotes archaeological inquiry and public understanding of the material record of the human past to foster an appreciation of diverse cultures and our shared humanity. The AIA supports archaeologists, their research and its dissemination, and the ethical practice of archaeology. The AIA educates people of all ages about the significance of archaeological discovery and advocates for the preservation of the world’s archaeological heritage. Founded in 1879, the AIA has nearly 200,000 members and more than 100 local societies in the United States, Canada, and overseas. The AIA publishes Archaeology Magazine and the American Journal of Archaeology.


The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,200 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.

Since its inception in 1934, SAA has endeavored to stimulate interest and research in American archaeology; advocate and aid in the conservation of archaeological resources; encourage public access to and appreciation of archaeology; oppose all looting of sites and the purchase and sale of looted archaeological materials; and serve as a bond among those interested in the archaeology of the Americas.


Formed in 1967, the Society for Historical Archaeology (SHA) is the largest scholarly group concerned with the archaeology of the modern world (A.D. 1400-present). The main focus of the society is the era since the beginning of European exploration. SHA promotes scholarly research and the dissemination of knowledge concerning historical archaeology. The society is specifically concerned with the identification, excavation, interpretation, and conservation of sites and materials on land and underwater. Geographically the society emphasizes the New World, but also includes European exploration and settlement in Africa, Asia, and Oceania.




CIfA is the leading professional body representing archaeologists working in the UK and overseas. We promote high professional standards and strong ethics in archaeological practice, to maximise the benefits that archaeologists bring to society. We are the authoritative and effective voice for archaeologists, bringing recognition and respect to our profession.


ACRA is the national trade association supporting and promoting the common interests of cultural resource management (CRM) firms of all sizes, types and specialties. Today, our member firms undertake much of the legally mandated CRM studies and investigations in the United States. Our firms’ clients include federal, state and local government agencies, private industry and non-profit groups. Our member firms employ thousands of cultural resource management professionals: archaeologists, architectural historians, historians, and an increasingly diverse group of other specialists. Using free market business practices, ACRA firms deploy skilled teams to provide our clients with the best service while fulfilling ethical and professional commitments.


The Coalition for Archaeological Synthesis (CfAS) is an alliance of Partner organizations and individual Associates who are committed to fostering synthesis in archaeology to expand knowledge and benefit society. CfAS partner organizations provide their expertise, services, and facilities in support of the synthesis initiatives of CfAS. CfAS Associates are individuals who support the goals and programs of the Coalition. These goals of CfAS are to:

  • Advance Knowledge Rapidly advance knowledge through analysis and synthesis of existing archaeological and related data to address critical challenges in order to influence policy and benefit the public
  • Develop and apply methodological and theoretical approaches that are effective in integrating multiple, diverse data sources
  • Provide computing solutions to enable networked scientific collaboration by leveraging innovation and leadership in informatics
  • Promote skills, knowledge and collaborative culture among archaeologists and allied scientists, policy-makers and resource managers necessary for this transformative research and to speed its real-world application
  • Communicate results in ways that advance the discipline and affect public policy

CfAS Home

Register of Professional Archaeologists
700 N Carr Rd, Box 86
Plainfield, IN  46168

Phone: (317) 798-3001

Grievance Hotline: (410) 246-2150

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