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where is registration required?

This table depicts the updated result of a survey original conducted in 2017 regarding entities that require or recommend registration as an RPA, or equivalent qualifications, among their employees. The survey was sent to all RPAs and received 33 responses.

For reference, we include the entities that require RPA status or an equivalent below. Some comments have been edited slightly for clarity and length. The full list of responses can be found in the original report. 

These companies have made a concerted effort to value the RPA certification and the list is continuously growing. 

Please help us keep this list up to date! If you would like to submit additional or updated information about an entity and its requirements, please contact us at


Ashley National Forest (Utah)

 Status of RPA:  RPA listed

RPA Credential Required?  Yes

Equivalent of RPA Standards Required?    ---


Programmatic agreement for oil & gas development with Berry Petroleum on forest. Signed by Utah SHPO & ACHP.

SAA Rock Art Interest Group

Status of RPA:  RPA listed

RPA Credential Required?  No

Equivalent of RPA Standards Required?  Yes


Proposed guidelines for government contracts. Not yet passed by SAA Board.



Status of RPA:  Not listed

RPA Credential Required?  No

Equivalent of RPA Standards Required?  Yes


Defers to Arizona State Museum as state permitting agency. Requirements generally match RPA standards.


Status of RPA:  RPA listed

RPA Credential Required?  Varies

Equivalent of RPA Standards Required?  Varies


Not state-required, but some counties require RPA or RPA standards.


Status of RPA:  RPA listed

RPA Credential Required?  Yes

Equivalent of RPA Standards Required?  Yes


Delaware DOT requires at least 1 person on contractor staff = RPA. In RFPs.


Status of RPA:  ACRA and RPA listed

RPA Credential Required?  No

Equivalent of RPA Standards Required?  Not known


Sends people to ACRA and RPA list of professionals. “The Division encourages checking references and recent work history.” Application for tenure-steam job at FSU requires RPA certification.


Status of RPA:  RPA listed

RPA Credential Required?  No

Equivalent of RPA Standards Required?  Yes


“Minnesota SHPO supports the objectives of that organization to establish universal standards of professional conduct”

New Brunswick

Status of RPA:  RPA listed

RPA Credential Required?  Yes

Equivalent of RPA Standards Required?  ---


As of March 31, 2014, all Permit applicants must be a Registered Professional Archaeologist (RPA). In regulations, not law.


Status of RPA:  RPA listed

RPA Credential Required?  No

Equivalent of RPA Standards Required?  Yes


Utah Administrative Code R694-1-10(a)(i)(A) states that "Permit holders shall comply with the individual provisions of the 'Code of Conduct' and the 'Standards of Research Performance' promulgated by the Register of Professional Archaeologists."

US Virgin Islands

Status of RPA:  SOPA listed

RPA Credential Required?  No

Equivalent of RPA Standards Required?  Yes


Must be conducted by professional archaeologists in conformity with standards

West Virginia

Status of RPA:  RPA listed

RPA Credential Required?  Yes

Equivalent of RPA Standards Required?  ---


Tribal project-specific requirement that archaeological monitors must be RPA - DOT project


Confederated Tribes of Coos-Lower Umpqua- Siuslaw

Status of RPA:  RPA listed

RPA Credential Required?  No

Equivalent of RPA Standards Required?  Yes


Cultural Resources Protection Specialist job - “Must meet definition of a Registered Professional Archaeologist (RPA).”

Indian Camp Ranch, Colorado

Status of RPA:  RPA listed

RPA Credential Required?  No

Equivalent of RPA Standards Required?  Yes


Private residential community designed to promote stewardship of archaeology. Homeowners must hire ”certified or registered archaeologist” if going to excavate.

New York City

Status of RPA:  RPA listed

RPA Credential Required?  Yes

Equivalent of RPA Standards Required?  Yes


Professionals must be registered by RPA and/or qualified for such registration.

San Diego, CA

Status of RPA:  RPA listed

RPA Credential Required?  Yes

Equivalent of RPA Standards Required?  ---

Comments:    ---

SW Florida Water Management District

Status of RPA:  RPA listed

RPA Credential Required?  Yes

Equivalent of RPA Standards Required?  ---


District requires that RPA oversee and guide all aspects of dredging project - both terrestrial and in-water.

New Smyrna Beach, FL

Status of RPA:  RPA listed

RPA Credential Required?  No

Equivalent of RPA Standards Required?  Yes


City Archaeologist must meet RPA standards.

Register of Professional Archaeologists
700 N Carr Rd, Box 86
Plainfield, IN  46168

Phone: (317) 798-3001

Grievance Hotline: (410) 246-2150

You do not have to be an RPA/RA to file a Grievance


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