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How to Turn Your Discussion Into a Book

  • 6 Oct 2020
  • 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Instructor: Darrin Pratt, Allyson Carter

Many archaeologists reach the point early in their career where they consider the possibility of publishing their dissertation as a scholarly book. Unfortunately, although some of these newly minted scholars received good advice from their tenure committee or their graduate school advisor, many are left to sort it out for themselves, leaving many questions unanswered. Will a publisher even be interested in my dissertation? Could it be published as is, or does it need to be revised? What are publishers looking for in a book project that started as a dissertation? How do I put my best foot forward? This online seminar will address these questions and more in an attempt to demystify the process and offer pragmatic advice to help junior scholars move forward with publishing their research.

Location:  Online

Registration Closed

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