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Underwater Cultural Heritage: An ACUA Seminar

  • 22 Oct 2020
  • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Instructor: Dave Ball

Cultural resource managers, land managers, and archaeologists are often tasked with managing, interpreting, and reviewing archaeological assessments for submerged cultural resources. This seminar is designed to introduce non-specialists to issues specific to underwater archaeology. Participants will learn about different types of underwater cultural heritage (UCH) and some of the methods employed to help protect those sites. This seminar is not intended to teach participants how to do underwater archaeology, but instead will briefly introduce different investigative techniques and international best practices. The purpose of this seminar is to assist non-specialists in recognizing the potential for UCH resources in their areas of impact. This is an abbreviated version of a half-day workshop typically offered at the Society for Historical Archaeology’s annual Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology.

Location:  Online

Registration Closed!

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