Early in 2020, educators and pupils throughout the world made the necessary and abrupt transition to remote teaching and distance learning. Understandably, the foundations of archaeology and other sciences normally taught in labs or through hand-on experiences were badly shaken. But the multitude of forced pivots we have recently experienced provide a critical roadmap as we find ourselves in the midst of a paradigmatic shift in education. In this up-to-date seminar, attendees will become familiar with formerly unfamiliar terminology and pedagogical ideas about online learning that have come to the forefront over the past several months in our archaeology classrooms. In this seminar, participants will learn the basics of using interactive tools such as SCORMS (Sharable Content Object Reference Models) and interactive maps. Participants will be provided with a set of open source tools and new tips and tricks to engage and retain online learners more productively, consistently, and effectively in their new classes and beyond. This hour-long seminar is aimed at both experienced educators who may be teaching courses online for the first time as well as new instructors who wish to put their innovative ideas into practice.
Register of Professional Archaeologists700 N Carr Rd, Box 86Plainfield, IN 46168
Phone: (317) 798-3001
Grievance Hotline: (410) 246-2150
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