Preservation and the CRM industry should be finding ways to address inherent bias against historically underrepresented communities, especially as it relates to identifying and evaluating properties in the built environment and historical archaeological resources.
Frequently used research and outreach methods that CRM practitioners employ often do not effectively consider or reach underrepresented communities. Why is this? What are we missing? How can we do better? This webinar will provide strategies to answer these questions and more.
Speakers will discuss provide case studies in which outreach is reframed to successfully consider the history and culture of historically underrepresented communities. Discussion will come from a panel representing a variety of lenses – academic field schools, not-for-profit preservation organizations, and CRM practitioners.
This webinar will be the first in a series hosted by ACRA that explores effectively addressing historically underrepresented communities in historic preservation during regulatory processes and how to identify these communities and to engage in a meaningful manner.
Learning Objectives:
Understand strategies for the identification of historically underrepresented communities within a project area during the scoping process.
Understand the barriers for reaching historically underrepresented communities to engage within the regulatory process.
Understand how to creatively work within the existing regulatory environment to engage underrepresented communities to initiate public involvement in regulatory processes.
Register of Professional Archaeologists700 N Carr Rd, Box 86Plainfield, IN 46168
Phone: (317) 798-3001
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